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Reasons Why Women Should Choose An Engineer.. huhu???

Let me tell you why girls should
eventually marry
an engineer over a
Law, Management, Arts or Medical School
Graduate. He has three distinct
advantages over the rest of the

Advantage 1: Secure lifestyle
An engineer boyfriend can provide you
with a
secure lifestyle. At 27
years old, an engineer probably has a
stable job that gives
him a high income to own a car,
invest, have a
comfortable life, and get
married and buy a house too.
Law graduates are still working as a
apprentice in law firm.
Most management graduates have just
failed on
their first business plan.
The arts graduate is still looking for
a job.
And the medical school graduate is
still living in a

Advantage 2: Unmatchable
An engineer boyfriend will dedicate an
unimaginable amount of his time
and effort to understand you.
Engineers strain
really really hard to
understand their work. You can believe
that they
will try really really
hard to understand women too, just
like how they
understand their work,
once they believe that you are the
one. So even if
they don't understand
you initially, they will keep on
trying. Even if they
still do not
understand, they will figure out the
correct method
to keep you happy
(e.g. buy diamond ring = 1 week's
worth of
happiness.) And once they
find out the secret formula, they will
just keep on
repeating it so that
the desired results appear.
Unlike the Lawyer who will argue with
The Management graduate who will try
to control
your spending, The Arts
graduate who will 'change major'.
And the medical school graduate who
will operate
on you.
And you know what, it's really so easy
to make
engineer s believe that
You are the 'one'. Say that you like
one of their
project and they will
be hooked to you forever.

Advantage 3: An engineer boyfriend
will never
betray your trust.
Let me first tell you what is wrong
with the rest of
the others - The
lawyers will lie about everything.
Management graduates will cheat your
The arts graduate will flirt, and you
probably just
look like another
cadaver to the medical school graduate.
Your engineer boyfriend is either too
busy to have
an affair, and even
if he does, he is too dumb to lie to
you about that.
Hence, an engineer
is the most secure boyfriend that you
will ever find -
rich enough, will
keep on trying to understand and
please you, has
no time for affairs,
and too dumb to lie to you.
plus they r cooler than the others
So girls, why procrastinate?
Get an engineer for your boyfriend

And finally i would like to quote that i am an future engineer anyone that is interested please book me first before its too late...


MaTKaCaU said…
haha, I think that this post just to promote that you'll become engineer right? err, about the first advantage...i want to add up a little, since my father was an engineer, i know how difficult his live was, for an apprentice engineer it's hard to find a job or to get a tender, furthermore, it's depend on your client to pay up your work, either they pay you on time or they dont pay you at the exact time you need the money...yeah, sometime my father have to borrow from my mother to paid up all the payment of the month...haha
TiM said…
"And finally i would like to quote that i am an future engineer anyone that is interested please book me first before its too late..."

cettt!ending hampeh.. dad said that engineers who know third languages, especially Japanese language is a very special one...~

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